Earl Grey Nut butters and other inspirations
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artisan nut butters

We had often been asked: How do you design new menu? who is the creative one in the kitchen?

Actually, you are the creative people. We are just good listeners. The inspiration behind Sambal Almonds (see previous post), Earl Grey Cashew Nut Butters, Briyani Cashews, Gusto Pecans, etc. did not come from us. They come from you, our customers. You tell us, and as long as they are healthy, aligned with our kitchen (dairy and meat free) and natural, we give it a try. Lots of hits and misses of course – our Gustos used to have lavender pepitas, but as we saw many picking it out, we decided to provide an option without it and the new version became a hit!

So do keep telling us, and we’ll keep trying novelty to entice your taste-buds!